
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to disappear (almost) completely

I continue to exist! It's a bad habit.

To celebrate this reunion, the ebook version of Newfangled Death is free for a while! Maybe forever! See here. Prices on other sites may take a day or two to update. Physical copies still cost money because of the ability to hug it to your bosom.

And, what?! I remember that book I wrote? I know it must seem like I released it into the forest and then drove away. But the truth is... well yeah, that's the truth! Sad, sad, unwise, but done.

I knew halfway through its completion that I didn't really want to write short stories. That said, I did want to see it through, and so I did. Afterwards, I didn't care much about what happened. Some of you did though—many thanks to anyone who bought and enjoyed Newfangled Death.

I'm working on a few different projects now, which are hopefully closer to my heart. But I will talk more about those later.

In other news, a lot's changed since I last posted here. The quick of it:
  • We lost our wonderful dog of 10 years. Miss him dearly to this day.
  • Cancer & other health scares in the family -- thankfully followed by recoveries for the most part.
  • An end of vegetarianism! At first we just wanted to try it for fun, but it kinda stuck like a winning streak (or losing streak.) It was interesting and annoying. So long!
  • We added a beautiful and silly cat to our family.
  • My girlfriend finished off her school program and started work at an animal hospital!
  • I continued to be a nutjob, but at least I want and need to keep writing and being alive.

I'll try to be better about updating. But I always run out of things to say :p